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Rosemary Keane

Rosemary Keane
Director, Teacher Mentoring, All Administration

As a senior threshold teacher, I aways had a student teacher each year to supervise and support. I trained to be a mentor with a London University. I have achieved Stage 3 in Mentor Training (the final level). As a qualified mentor, I have mentored over 20 trainee teachers from local Universities.

Being a class teacher has always had its challenges and during this time I was also able to coordinate many subjects including organising Partnership and District Sports, Swimming Galas, Camping trips and Community Cohesion links with other schools. I have also helped produce the KS1 and 2 performances each year. I have arranged many trips to places of interest and I was able to visit a Spanish school whilst involved with the Comenius Project.

Throughout my teaching career I have had a particular interest in children with Special Educational Needs and have a Certificate from the University of London in Special Education.

In July 2011, I was nominated for and successfully achieved the Chartered London Teacher Status and in May 2012, I received the Fellowship of the College of Teachers (FCOT) from the Institute of Education, London.

Experience of Primary, Secondary and Pre-school education.

Primary School Teacher in London Boroughs since 1979.

Class Teacher of all primary age groups.

Qualified Mentor for Trainee teachers.

Qualified in Special Educational Needs teaching.

Experienced Subject and school events coordinator.

Chartered London Teacher..

Fellow of the College of Teachers. (Equivalent status to an M.A. )

Current work 2014 to present .Mentoring and consultancy support .1/1 teaching and mentoring.

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