Daniel Keane . MA, B. Ed., and Dip. Ed.
As Director and a former Head Teacher of a successful London school (ranked ofsted outstanding), I have a strong , secure and comprehensive understanding of the role , skills and qualities needed to support Education both in the UK and international setting. My Head Teacher experience is over twenty two years and I wish to use these leadership skills now ,for the purpose of training and supporting current and future school leaders and teachers .
My teaching experience started in 1978, when I qualified as teacher and started teaching in London.As an experienced successful primary Head teacher, youth leader,, educator and trainer, I also have a comprehensive understanding and knowledge of all matters of Education and in particular in the urban setting and with an MA in Education .
Key qualities of the consultant Firstly, professional at all times and to be mindful and give due respect to the school , institution to be supported. To prepare well and to be time tabled for consultancy also makes for success for all those involved in the process and outcome
I will provide high quality school review , support, mentoring , lesson observation skills .An ability to observe lessons and report back promptly verbally and in writing ,supports teacher self improvement in the classroom.
I am an associate inspector for RE, currently inspecting schools and trained by tribal/Diocese, to ofsted standards. I have inspected a range of schools in London, authority, church and independent.
Essential skills must be people skills. That is to be able to communicate, write effectively, work with teachers, governors in any school that is supported. The consultant must not be afraid to ask tough questions, if they are required to support school improvement and for the benefit of all pupils and students in the first place
As part of Education International Consultancy with other directors we will provide the following;
- Leadership .
- Teaching and learning .
- Whole school review , including school improvement.
- The role of the school business manager.
- Audit
- Preparing for Inspection
- In school support. (Specialist areas to meet the needs of the school ).
Individual school / institution consultancy rates will be confirmed by email and are for the half day or whole day and including travel . The benchmark rates are £400 including vat , for the day which includes preparation , feedback and report writing.