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Education International Consultancy visit to Accra and Ghana February

Presentation  at Conference.

This Education Conference took place at La Palm Royal Beach during  February. 

The Conference was organised by  two Directors who also  made  the presentations . These were   Colin Osafo  Director of Finance and planning and Daniel Keane , Director of training , school improvement and training.

Delegates from Accra and beyond listened to the presentation and what the consultancy had to offer. Questions were asked on a range of  international , Ghanian topics . In particular teaching and learning, leadership, training, finance and administration.

 The consultancy seeks to work in collaboration  and add value to, governmen , church and other educational settings. They can be seen and contacted through their web site www.educationintenationalconsultancy.co.uk. The conference was deemed a success by delegates and expressed so.



A wide of range of questions were considered by the Directors , both from those who attended and in writing . These ranged  from  and can be summarised as below

·         The standards of  teaching and Learning in  the UK and how can best  practice be spread  and shared in Ghana . For this it was proposed to have a Conference for interested delegates in the UK in 2017  .

·         Child protection  questions , were replied to as follows . Child Protection is one of the most important criteria in  all countries . To ensure the wellbeing and care for Al pupils should be part of  all schools’ mission.

·         Questions on finance were answered with the following in mind . All schools in Ghana , large or small , rural or urban should have secure systems in place and that in terms of  building and staffing. All staff should be correctly paid as part of  high value  teaching profession in Ghana . Teachers to continue to provide the best possible education for all pupils.

·         Good leadership and financial systems were essential for  schools in Ghana to be outstanding . All pupils and families  deserve this .

·         Punishments and reward questions were also considered . All Schools in Ghana should have  proper behaviour policies in place . Corporal punishment was not an appropriate , or lawful   sanction internationally  . The consultancy has a policy that it is willing to share with delegates .This will be circulated .

·         The Conference closed with a promise to hold further Conferences both in the UK and Ghana. Continued discussion took place over lunch .


·         The Consultancy confirmed that a start up project had commenced in Sankore.

